
Dear Annie

Dear Annie: My stepson said many nasty, derogatory, hurtful things about his recently deceased father. My husband was well-respected by his peers and friends. Yes, he had his faults, but I loved him dearly, and he was a very good man.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: My spouse and I are in our 70s, with numerous health issues. We decided we needed to sell our large home and move to something easier to maintain. We made the mistake of hiring the younger brother (“Jim”) of our best friend and neighbor “Jane.” Both assured us this business relationship would have no impact on our friendship. After four months with no activity and a flare-up of health concerns, we asked Jim to terminate our selling contract. (We called Jane to let her know of our decision.) Jim had said he would end the selling contract that day, but then sent a text saying he couldn’t. We contacted his boss, who said it wouldn’t be a problem -- and ended the contract. Now, Jane is no longer speaking to us. We have called and written, seeking a chance to talk with her further. Last night, we received a vile letter in the mail from her, saying we were never her friend if we could do such an awful thing.

The Bros Are Sorry, So They Say

Sam Bankman-Fried perfected the poses, uniform and attitude of the bro, the boy-man who gets away with it. He sucked billions into his FTX cryptocurrency platform by convincing the public that he was touched with supersized genius at making fortunes. His claim to want the money for higher things than simply amassing luxury only burnished the legend.

Today in History

Today is the 13th day of 2023 and the 24th day of winter. TODAY’S HISTORY: In 1898, French writer Emile Zola’s editorial “J’accuse” was printed in the newspaper L’Aurore, exposing the military cover-up known as the Dreyfus Affair.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: We live across the street from a married couple -- man and woman -- who have a 16-month-old girl. Every time they get her out of the car, no matter what the weather is, they have nothing on her head. Even when the temperature was in the teens, and another time when it was pouring rain, there was nothing on her head.