
The Hazards of Holding YouTube Liable for Promoting Terrorism

A Supreme Court Case Illustrates the Potential Costs of Making It Easier to Sue Social Media Platforms Over User-Generated Content Every day, people around the world post about 720,000 hours of new content on You-Tube -- 500 hours of video every minute. That enormous volume of material poses challenges for the platform, which aspires to enforce rules against certain kinds of content, and for its users, who cannot hope to navigate the site without help from YouTube’s algorithms, which facilitate searches and recommend videos based on personal viewing patterns.

Dear Annie

Dear Readers: Many of you suggested treatments for “Pooped Out and Sad in the South,” which was the letter from the grandmother who was concerned about her grandson’s difficulties in having bowel movements. I hope some of these suggestions help other parents and grandparents who face similar problems with their children and grandchildren.

Biden’s Document Deluge

WASHINGTON -- Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba of Uganda has announced to the world via his Twitter account that he is offering Italy’s prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, a dowry of 100 cows if she will marry him. Kainerugaba is the 48-yearold son of Uganda’s prime minister, and his Twitter account is taken very seriously, especially in Uganda. In other news, our president, Joe Biden, heard from his attorney general, Merrick Garland, that top-secret documents turned up in the president’s garage in Delaware, the one where he keeps his prized 1967 Chevrolet Corvette. The discovery was the third time classified documents have shown up in one of the president’s residences, and apparently people are beginning to wonder. Another batch of documents showed up over the weekend and next week is a whole new week. When will the document deluge abate?

Time for Truth and Reconciliation on the Russia Collusion Hoax

What are “the major problems this country faces”? Writing in The Atlantic, New York Times columnist David Brooks leads off his list with “inequality, political polarization, social mistrust” before concluding with the inevitable “climate change.” Today’s “inequality,” he notes, is as “savage” as the inequality in the 1890s.

Why Johnny Might Finally Learn to Read

If you’re a parent with kids in public school, you are doubtless aware of the roiling controversies about the teaching of critical race theory and about policies governing the participation of trans athletes in sports. Those things are not trivial, but you’re probably not hearing much about a far more consequential matter: how schools are failing to teach kids to read.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I see that you often answer questions pertaining to families trapped in addiction. I grew up in that special hell with all of the complex trauma issues that go along with that lifestyle.
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Capitol Considerations

Our first major deadline is now in the books as all the bills for session have been officially filed. I ended up filing more than 20 measures, including SJR 11 to allow Oklahoma voters to decide whether the Legislature should have the power to enact or amend statutes relating to sex offenders if such provisions are rationally related to protecting the public from sex-based crimes. This would include such things as sex offender registration requirements, the duration of those requirements, and proximity to areas frequented by vulnerable populations such as children, the elderly, and mentally disabled. Under this proposed state question, if approved, sex offenders would have to comply with any such enactments or amendments after implemented. Any subsequent changes regulating residence of a sex offender would be applicable when the individual moved.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I have been reading your column in my local newspaper for a long time. Earlier this year, I sent a note to you about losing my wife and how my friends reacted. Never would I have thought that I would be sending you another note. But here I am.