
Letter to the Editor

The success of a community’s economy does not happen by accident. It is done every day outside of the public eye, one company at a time and one job at a time. Economic development is about working together, doing important but quiet things that build jobs and improve lives. It is about doing the hard work that people rarely see. But every now and then, it is also about stepping into the spotlight to take those really big steps that help define and reshape our future.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I worked part time for good friends now over 20 years ago. The wife was in charge of the medical office; her husband was a doctor whom my husband and I had known way before she met and married him. Two other ladies worked in the office full time also and had been there years before me. After working part time for over four years, the wife hired a new lady as a receptionist. I became good friends with the new receptionist. She had a very dysfunctional life, was married to an abuser and had a young daughter who seemed mature way beyond her years and was a great kid.

For Teachers Unions, Parents and Children Come Last

Schools in the Rochester school district in Michigan include in their curriculum a course called “History of Ethnic and Gender Studies.” If my child were attending school there, I would wonder why this is in the curriculum as part of K-12 education and what is taught. One mother, Carol Beth Litkouhi, wondered enough that she went to the school and asked for details about what will be conveyed to her child in this program.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I was married for 17 years to a woman who I thought would be my only wife. Toward the end, I tried to move our family out of state, away from all the things that were causing the issues (including her cheating), knowing full well I would be moving to a place completely away from my family, as well as hers.

Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I could’ve written the letter from “Divorce Ambivalent” many, many years ago when our three children were young. My husband was busy with his career, and he loved sports. He was a good father but often did what he wanted to do on weekends.